Sunday, November 30, 2008


So we went to The Johnson's house for Thanksgiving, and I got Riley all dressed up from head to toe...she looked just so sweet!

Bath Time!

I got the CUTEST pictures of Riley right after she got out of the bath...get ready to melt....

Nana's Confirmation

My Mom (nana) got confirmed into the Catholic church on Sunday (this was two weeks ago) and we were all in attendance. After the amazing ceremony we celebrated at Giuseppe's. Riley was a good girl through the whole thing! And my, did she look pretty!

Riley Crawls!

On Saturday, November 21st Riley crawled! Yay!!!

A lot to update...

Hey everyone! Sorry I haven't been able to update lately...things have been busy and well, pretty crazy! But I have soooo much to share with you guys, you're going to be so excited! Riley finally crawled this past weekend which was just amazing, and being the very photogenic baby that she is I have many cute pictures of her taken at random. Enjoy!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Riley finally learned how to jump in her jenny jump up! She didn't know what to do when I first put her in it a few months back, but when she started bouncing in her exersaucer I figured it was time!
Sorry the video is sideways- I didn't realize it would come up like that!