Sorry I haven't updated on here in forever...all of my pictures are just automatically updated to my facebook, which is so much easier to update often!!! But I will leave you with this adorable picture taken at the Loughran's!
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So, I have been extremely neglectful in updating my blog. It's usually just easier for me to upload pictures on my facebook and say what's going on everyday. If I could update on here from my phone then you would never miss a beat!!
Since Riley and I came back to SLO, we've been doing Parent Participation classes at the Adult School. We're in a toddler class with about 15 other kids, she really enjoys playing with others and spending time outside on the swings, sandbox, and riding toys. We also do a strolling to fitness class with 20 other moms! That class I really enjoy since we go all over SLO county to walk and talk. Such a beautiful area to do this in too!
Riley has become a chatterbox. She lovessss to talk. I don't even know how many words she knows now. She is also learning a little bit of sign language, which is really cool! She can do the sign for washing her hands and "more"! She amazes me everyday with the new things she learns.
The weather is starting to get cooler here (FINALLY!!) it has been really hot the past month and a half! I'm very ready for fall!! I just got Riley's Halloween photos done, she is so cute in her little cupcake costume! It could not be more perfect! I had also gotten her 1 year pictures done as well, took me forever to get around to doing those!!
My sister Stefanie came to town for a few days, we went apple picking and had a nice little dinner party.
It's been raining non-stop for the past two months, and even for the 4th of July it didn't stop. So no fireworks for us =( I made special 4th of July cupcakes (stars and stripes funfetti- yum!) and we had hamburgers, pasta salad, pistacio jello ambrosia, and potatoe salad. It was all delicious! Hope everyone had a great day!