Friday, January 23, 2009

It all started with the movies...

Andrew and I decided to have a little date night last night and went to see Mall Cop at the movie theater. We left a little after 7 since the movie started at 7:20. Everything was fine, until about an hour into the movie I get a text message from Andrew's mom saying Riley threw up all over herself and her crib. This is the first time she's ever gotten sick. I started to get anxious, and thankfully the movie was almost over. We stopped at the store on the way home and got some pedialyte so she wouldn't get dehydrated. We got home and my heart just broke. Her little baby face was so sad, and she was so sleepy. We had to hold her upright for a couple of hours so she didn't choke on her throw up. It was just SO SAD. I don't even know how to explain how I felt. She was just so helpless, I wanted to be the one throwing up, not her. Thankfully she took the pedialyte and we got her to go to sleep. She ended up sleeping in bed with us. This morning she felt much better. She was actually back to her normal, cute self! Babbling and playing with her toys. She just went down for another nap since she woke up a little earlier then usual this morning. I'm so thankful that she's better. It's so scary when you're child is sick and there's not a whole lot you can do except wait it out and be there for them.

1 comment:

The Loughran's said...

poor riley! I hope she is feeling better now!!